Thursday, March 31, 2011

Training 30-03-2011

So quickly, term 1 ended and now we're already in the midst of term 2.
Today's training has been one of the most fun and interesting trainings.
I noticed the great enthusiasm of cadets, and instructors such that I feel compelled to blog about the day's training.

The day started at 3pm. The sec 3 squad was ready at 2.50pm. While the rest of the squads were ready promptly at 3. From the start of training, the NCOs who were available performed their task diligently and with pride. Without much needing to be explained, the NCOs performed their routine task and within a short time, the unit was ready to continue with training activities.

Sec3 squad: Following the sec3 squad during their rifle drill session, I could see that the squad needed more practice on rifle drills. Not only did they require practice, they needed to learn the right way of executing after each command. The process of learning each execution was tough, but every single sec 3 cadet persevered and continuously improved themselves. ACI Seok Kee was on the ball at the task of imparting her knowledge to the cadets as she constantly advised them how to improve from their mistakes. I had the privilege to take the sec3 cadets for rifle drill just before the promotion parade started. From there, i was able to see how they had improved since the drill session started with ACI Seok Kee.

Sec2 squad: Forming up along the small path beside the canteen, the sec2 squad began their baton drill practice. NCO Nigel taught them the basics of handling the batons, and proceeded to more in depth drills such as saluting. The sec2 cadets remembered how to perform each drill, but were not used to executing each drill together in timing with the whole squad. That was not a problem, as very quickly after a few practices, the cadets could follow NCO Nigel's commands. Way to go sec 2s!
*Just a reminder: In the last position of hormat with baton, your baton is suppose to point 45degrees towards the ground.

Sec1 squad: The sec1 squad really brightened my day. Well actually everyone did. But the sec1 squad was really impressive. Starting off the day not knowing how to perform Keluar Baris and Bersu Rai, the sec1 squad was taken by NCO Eric to remove their doubts and queries of both the commands. Sure, they had to keep practicing, and at one point, many turned grumpy! However, everyone knew they wanted to get the drill right. They took a short break and got ready for a second wave of practice. The practice proved fruitful at the end of the day, as the sec1 squad could dismiss in a similar fashion as their seniors. Well done sec1s!

At the later part of the training, we had a promotion parade (I'll blog about this another time).
The training ended on time following the time table and cadets were dismissed immediately after training.

I do hope to see such enthusiasm from everybody (cadets, NCOs and all instructors) every training. Keep up the good spirit and continue to have a hunger for knowledge. For the sec 1 and 2s, have the joy of wanting to know what your seniors already know. For the sec3s, focus on perfecting what you already know, and start to master the new things you learn. NCOs, ACIs and CIs, well done and let us continue this standard of training and end on time too!

Most importantly, to everyone, remind each other to train with a smile!

Have fun everyone and see you next training.

signing off,
HO Avriel :)

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