Friday, September 17, 2010

17th Sept 2010

Today's training had been quite impressive. The sec 1 and 2s fall-in on time and were in ready position by the time instructors and NCOs flooded the area. CI Chee Sheng then gave a really impressive lecture on Uniform etiquette (impressive from the pictures to the details.)

Today also marks the first day HIHS NCOs take over their individual squads for a lesson or two on drills.
After drills, the unit played dog and bone while a few cadets took their LCP test and another small group of cadets tried to do the CSSP.

Unfortunately, the art room printer wasn't working too fine, we had to use the ones in the office. With the drafts printed out, each group will have until Saturday night to send in the corrected version of their projects.

This coming Monday, the groups doing the video on "theft" will be showing the video during assembly. 1245pm. The main speaker will be.............*we'll keep this as a secret till monday*

To all who did their best today, have a great weekend!

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